Problem Solving

There are always competing interests involved in government-related issues. While State and Federal politics get the most attention, oftentimes, the most complex issues are at the local level. As your County Supervisor, I have earned a reputation as a problem solver who can work with anyone to get results for Sacramento families. I will continue to work with everyone to for real results to address problems and issues in our community.

Fiscal Responsibility

My father constantly reminded me that government officials are guardians of the public treasury. That stuck with me, and I have always prided myself on a responsible, prudent, and closely monitored approach to spending public funds. As your Supervisor, I will continue to be a transparent guardian of your tax dollars.


I have seen the best and worst of government. I have seen bureaucracy that disregards the public it serves and is plagued by inefficiency. This is unacceptable. I am proud that, in every assignment I have had during my career, I have been highly responsive and effective at understanding public concerns and working hard to resolve them. As your Supervisor, I will continue to listen to your concerns and be guided by them to make sure County resources are reflecting your needs.